Wednesday, December 22, 2010

first day at college

As I was thinking that now I became a controller of my own life but again I was wrong. God had some other plans for me. Yes, I am talking about breaking of my dreams after facing the life of hostel for one complete year.

Day started with my entry in the campus of NIT-trichy with my father in order to report after admission through AIEEE. We entered into the area of lecture hall complex or we can say an arena where professors and students fight with drowsiness and thoughts simultaneously in order to complete the prescribed syllabus on the day just before the examination. As soon as we entered, I found myself into a surrounding of approx. 200 living beings with extra terrestrial intelligence to grab a form and get registered as soon as possible. I also collected a form and stared filling it with lots of instructions given by my father. After completing the form, by the forces applied by my old habits, I was made bound to look into the forms of other aspirants in order to find out the past records of them. Soon I started talking with one of them in order to satisfy my intellectual needs (I have assumed here that you have learned about pyramid of various needs which is taught in simple corporate terms). After a minute or two my father called me, I looked behind and I felt grave because my father was talking with a man -who was the dean of a university in Chhattisgarh- because it might prove embarrassing for me if he would have started glorifying me in front of parents with extraordinary children having extra ordinary achievements. Well I went there and he introduced me to my future roommate (however this moment both of us don’t know about that). Let us name him as Mr. Gamin. We started talking about the condition of education in India and role of coaching institutes like resonance and Bansal in that, although they both are not related in one sense but we found a link. Guess what……….. Yes! Money, both are the good business for making money. Well time passed by and as soon as our turn was about to come they called for lunch break of two hours. Do you know what it really mean to me……………………… TWO more hours I have to talk with the people, whom I have never saw before and suppose to give them a plastic smile even when I may not be interested in the topic on which we were discussing. In the meantime I got introduced to a boy from a city of my own state, looking like a fool from his gestures but from inside he can make anyone to dance on tips of his fingers. Let we name him as Mr. Richie rich.

Three of us decided to take up a room together with the guidance of a person who was a friend of Richie rich who knew him from the days when they were preparing for most prestigious entrance exam of India (correct guess……….IIT-JEE), whom we can call as Mr. Smarty.

Break got over and we got registered; now it was the time when we were moving towards hostel management building to get our room. In the middle of this I forgot to tell you the specialty of water coolers in NIT trichy that they don’t give even a single drop of water when power is not there and every day we have power cut of around three hours. So, we were already got our tongue and throat dried enough to drink two liters of water at a time. Coming back to hostel management building, we found that we would get our room from the chief warden who resides at the agate hostel. We went there and get our desired room. That time we were happy that we have got a room according to our demand, but still we have not faced the reality.

As soon as we reached our room we found that it was already occupied by some other students who were roaming all around the campus that time. I tried to stay calm by the time they came there to open the room. In between that smarty tried to convinced me about his friend Richie that he is a nice man with lots of money in his pocket, next he convinced me that he is very helpful and you can believe in him blindly, but the thing he spoke at the last shook me from top to bottom and revealed the original intention of the convictions above. He said he is not so sure about Gamin and he may cheat you in some way. I asked him how he knew that, he replied that he has something called as sixth sense which is very strong and never cheat him. I replied we will see that in due course of time of our stay there.

That day was actually Tuesday so my father had a fast on that day; I and smarty went to the nearby vegetable shop to purchase some fruits for my father. In the way also he spoke something to me which can help him to make me more convince about him. He told me about the DELTA i.e. a group in our college which maintains all the websites and networking of our institution. He told me how to enter in that group and asked me about my knowledge in the field of programming. I also started telling him about my past experiences in that. Next he asked me whether I have any book related to programming or not. I replied, “no, but I aspire to buy some in order to learn some programming”. He said that he poses some but he doesn’t want to share them with anyone except me. I asked him “why you are so kind to me”.

He replied that I seem to be a gentle and good student; also as now I am the roommate of his friend, he is trying to help me. These things gave me some alarming signals about his character. But I decided to stay silent and wait for the future.

We reached hostel again and gave all the eatables to my father, but by that time it was already 6:30 which means after half an hour mess will be open for dinner. So he didn’t take anything and waited for some more time. This time only me and Richie was there in the room so he decided to took the best place in the room and I took the second best bed and we left the remaining bed for gamin. He arrived and saw the room and didn’t respond, I thought these things don’t affect him much. After a while we went to mess for our dinner there we found a new variety of both south Indian and north Indian food which nobody else than the students of this hostel have tasted. However being honest I would like to tell you that first day I found that the food edible and tasty but after a day I came out of the illusion. After doing some inquiry I found that this happens with almost every student who comes to hostel first time so this made me happy that I am not suffering from any kind of disease in which taste buds of a person stops working. Although mess food itself is a vast topic of research & discussion (yes, you can call it R&D) so, I don’t want to stretch it so long here, however if I am talking about hostel life than mess food deserves to get into the discussion.

Day ended like that and my father and the father of gamin headed towards their places of stay. We all decided to talk for sometime before getting into the bed. So topic of discussion for the first night at the hostel was………………………………………..yes, money again. So, we were talking about how to earn money through engineering and finally at the end of such an interesting discussion Richie declared that only after doing MBA you can earn money and if you don’t have the guts to get into the IIMs than better you get into some foreign university to get it. So, what I concluded was that, if you don’t have guts or if you don’t have money than better you sit at your office and earn a little while thinking that I am satisfied, but gamin had a different understanding he told that don’t want to get into the world of earning and wants to prove himself in field of research in nanotechnology (however, later I found that he don’t even know the meaning of nanotechnology). After sometime matter of money changed into the matter of wife and later ended with a quarrel via girlfriend, mother, business, school, father, teachers, school friends, gang wars, ice-cream and lots of other actually non related topics.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Let me tell you about the first day of my new school in year 1998.

like any other innocent child who has been to pushed to school, I entered into my new school AIR FORCE SCHOOL, and school welcomed me with a slap on my face in front of all the staff members.

The day started with lots of enthusiasm but it ended up with a slap from my GK teacher.

Actually that day was first day for me not for others I took late admission so lot of homework has been already put on the soft shoulders of helpless students of std. ii. So my homework was not completed so when she asked me for the notebook I replied in my usual innocent :-) smile “which notebook mäm"? And mäm replied give your diary to me n she also didn’t give me any chance to give reason.

And then she called me in staff room during recess.

HUFFFFF! I went there and I found many eyes covered with spectacles staring at me (these are my teachers who knew that I m new student and they were thinking why this boy came here on the first day itself?)

She started scolding me and then she stopped with a hard hit of his much harder palms on the soft tissues of lovely cheek (which many people hanker to have). Bcoz I was trying to give her some explanation regarding that. Well I started crying and teachers were shocked to see that scene. Then one of them told that GK teacher about me. Then real fun started, I got 3 dairy milks. 5 alpenlibe, 1 pastry and lots of love from my teachers (which still continues). So the lesson which I got from this incident is..............................................................................................................................................................

Any guess?

OK let me to tell u

always try to cry before your teachers to get lots of chocolates and compassion from your teachers.

And never try to give explanation to your teachers that why u have-not done your homework. Make some realistic excuses about which I will share later on.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

why to learn from past?

Friends few days back i was thinking that my past is useless, But then i realised, however i wasted most of the time still i have earned a lot experience about life. And by using that i can really make a diffrence. so i started digging more and more and found something special inside me, through which i countered many problems successfully. I think everyone of us have a fabulous past through which we can really make a diffrence.