Sunday, July 3, 2011

secret of life..........

When a person is at his home for a long term vacations, it is quite obvious that he will get bored in few days. That so was happening with me until he made the comment, “all of us write our own destiny”. This statement made me to thought for a while but I never knew that I am going to do that much brain shagging on it.

I started with asking question to myself that am I actually writing my own destiny? Or it is God who decides. Then I look back in my past and I found yes, it was me who made all those choices because of which I am what I am. I thought again and found each one of us have choices at every stage of life, or we can say life is a series of choices. Whatever we choose today also influence the choices we will make tomorrow. But here I got stuck once again, if the choices we are making today are going to influence our tomorrow then sometimes it may be possible that we actually mayl not have any choice. Yes that’s true. We sometimes get forced to react in a certain way due to our conditionings or the choices we made yesterday or last month or last year or possibly last life too. For an example, suppose a person makes a choice to do a theft, what made him to do a theft may be a genuine reason but still he had the choice there, but after doing thievery he doesn’t have any choice to just stand there and wait for the police to come, it appears so but actually he still has a choice. Sometimes all the choices may not be in our favor but they may mend the way our next choices will come, and they may later lead to provide favorable choices as well. He may decide to stand still there and get caught and his destiny get decided. For a while just stop here and look back, as soon as he decided for theft, his next destiny was fixed. Just think, still he had too many choices in between he decided for theft and get caught, like he may choose to take a route such that he reaches at a moment when somebody may be there to watch upon the shop or he may board a certain vehicle which had weak tires and get punctured in between so he may not reach at all, the way he enters the shop, the way he do his work everything determines what will be his final choice. But don’t forget I mentioned our way of making choices also depends on our way of thinking. And what determine our way of thinking are the choices we made in the past. How? To understand this let us assume that I am in XI std and I have to decide my stream. I have certain options and I chose to take PCM + economics. Now as soon as I chose these subjects I get another set of choices, whether to understand the concepts or just cram it somehow. If I choose to understand the concepts my brain starts thinking in a different way than the latter option. Now I have been given the task to measure the height of school building, if I would have chose to learn mathematics properly, I ought to do this using trigonometry, but if I am more physics oriented I get another choice, I may drop down an object and measure the time it takes to hit the ground, or if I would just have cram the things I might have chose to take a barometer and measure the pressure difference between the two levels which is certainly an unpractical approach. And if I would have chosen some other stream I might have been trying to look for such a long measuring tape. Thus how we think, how we decide and how we approach a problem is found to be dependent on our past choices, experiences and knowledge. But I will again consider only past choices because ultimately we only choose to pass through a particular experience or to gain knowledge. So we may call these actions of making choices as our Karma. Actually karma includes both our decisions and the actions. Now as Newton’s third law there is a law which is called as ‘law of karma’. This solves our problem of “Jaisi karni waisi bharni” or “as you sow, so shall you reap”. The law works for the choices we made in the last life, which certainly affects current life as well. But here one may ask that I have never done anything wrong throughout my life then why the hell all wrong is happening to me. The answer is quite simple, because of the deeds we have done in our last life. So even if we are doing something good today, we first have to suffer our last actions. It is like harvest, if you have grew bad crop last time you have to consume it first even if you have grown the finest crop this time. As soon as older get consume, all good will come to you only.
But here comes another question if we are the makers of our own destiny then where God comes into picture, this may lead us to think ourselves as God. And if God doesn’t come into the picture then there is no need to fear the GOD. But if somebody continue thinking like that even after reading the text work below, he is nothing more than a DOG.
To understand this we should know the definition of God first, God by definition is Supreme Controller, so if He is supreme controller, then He may control our destiny as well, even if one had already made a choice. But generally He doesn’t do that because he doesn’t interfere with our free will. He doesn’t interfere because He loves us, and if a person loves someone he gives him freedom. But due to His extraordinary love, sometimes He interfere with our choices, even if we had made a wrong choice he moulds the situations such that we are given another set of choices, which contains an option to settle all turbulence. This is same as our parents does, they give options, but sometimes out of love, they force us to do a work, which we may not like but it might be good for us to do. Still we always had an option to dis-agree them and argue them back. But results of which may not be less than a disaster. Similarly in some cases if you don’t follow the right choice provided by God, results can be dangerous. He may even try to give you good advice in the form of inner Voice as Paramatma. You may also experience this many times. Still it is always up-to us to follow that or not.
So in conclusion, I would like to say, keep praying to God for yourself and for me too, that he may keep giving us good advices and keep helping us in our trying situations. He is the one who loves us the most and in return he expects nothing but love………………………………………………………………………………………………………keep loving God.
Wishing you best of Choices.................