Monday, November 4, 2013

Something Wrong with Moral Stories - Part 1

Tortoise and the Hare

You already must have heard the story, but still, let me tell you the story in short.

Once there lived in a forest a hare and a tortoise. The hare was very proud of his speed. He made fun of the tortoise for his slow speed. The tortoise challenged the hare to have a race with him. The hare accepted the challenge.
The race started. The crow was the referee. The hare ran very fast. The tortoise was left much behind. The hare stopped to take rest under a tree. He fell asleep. The tortoise passed him and reached the winning post. The hare woke up and ran as fast as he could. He saw that the tortoise was already there at the winning post. He had won the race.
Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.

Whoa!! Bravo!! Great Moral, but wrong message. I agree to the point that being slow and steady doesn't makes a person loser. But it doesn’t makes him/her a winner either. Not at least in this universe in which we are living, out of all the existing parallel universes. In one of them, it might be a truth.
I would like to tweak the moral a bit. Slow and steady wins the race*. Now I will write in the bottom, * terms & conditions apply. Now I can write at least a thousand word essay elaborating these terms & conditions. But I will not, because nobody cares, they are just terms & conditions, but nobody reads them. 
I will now move towards doing an autopsy of this story.  “Hare made fun of the tortoise for his slow speed. The tortoise challenged the hare to have a race with him.” What the hell? What in all the universe, tortoise think of himself? What you will call a bicycle rider challenging a Ferrari rider for a race? Okay, let us assume, tortoise was in anger and wanted to prove himself. Let me even agree that he had confidence of beating hare in race.
Let us move to the later part of the story,
The hare stopped to take rest under a tree. He fell asleep. The tortoise passed him and reached the winning post. The hare woke up and ran as fast as he could. He saw that the tortoise was already there at the winning post. He had won the race.”
I see a difference here, it is not the case here that tortoise won the race. What exactly appear here to me is, Hare lost it. Don’t ask me what is the difference between both. There is a lot of difference, sincerely speaking, there is a lot of difference between yourself winning a race and everybody else losing it.
It happened once, it may happen twice or thrice or ‘N’ number of times. In real world, Hares don’t sleep during races. They beat every crap out of tortoises, almost daily. Many of these tortoises even commit suicides out of their shame of being loser in this race. I am still not saying, the slow ones are losers but they may not be a winner either. We must stop ourselves feeding people with the false hope that even while being slow, they can win with the people faster than them. They can win over them, only when, either they become fast enough to beat them or faster ones start making mistakes. Being slow and steady, you can eventually grow, you may eventually become faster than what you are right now but you will never be able to beat faster ones, until you become faster than them. But by being slow and steady, tortoise never became a hare, and hare never slept again in any future races. Hare won again and again until tortoise gave up racing with him.
But what happened with tortoise? He might have concluded that he can never win the race unless hare do something silly. So, he might have decided to play his luck with other hares in forest. Or he might have become the fastest tortoise in his herd, because of constant racing. Then, he might have started a ‘Tortoise Olympics’ and had won it every time until somebody else faster than him arose.  

Races we face daily in our lives aren’t much different. Some of us are tortoise and some of us are hares. Hares keep competing among themselves and so the tortoises. Sometimes, a tortoise rises from his herd to challenge hares, he loses it and goes back wherever he belongs. He still remains a hero of his herd. But some of us are hares are disguised as tortoise. We realise our true identity only when we are challenged enough to find our limits. You might have identified yourself as a tortoise while reading this, but believe me, try your luck, push your limits and try to find who are you. Are you a hare or a tortoise? Don’t conclude it soon enough, coming out of cocoon had never been easy for a butterfly, learning to fly had never been easy for a bird, so identifying yourself will not going to be like drinking a cup of coffee. You will fall, you will give up your hope many times. But before giving up just remember why you started. All the best.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Lucid Dream

In a dream I saw,
I was in woods, dark and dense.
Not much I could see, I got scared,
I heard malignant laughters and horrifying cries.
A pool of hot lava, ferocious animals,
poisonous fangs, atrocious eyes of hungry crocodiles.

I ran very fast, came out to plains.
There was a girl standing on the other side.
I went near to see her face,
dry hot air was blowing,
drying her wet eyes.
I asked her, "Who are you"?
She answered, "An old forgotten friend."

She lowered her beautiful face and then rose again with a captivating smile.
She hugged me tightly, I hugged her back.
I asked again, "tell me your name, I don’t remember you"?
She didn’t answer.
I enquired, "at least tell me, why you were crying?"
"Because you were not here", she replied.
"I am sorry", I said and hugged her again.

She held my hand and asked me to follow her.
She walked towards the same dark place I feared.
A dense forest again, but this time silent.
We continued exploring,
A beautiful lake, we saw, flowers and butterflies,
Swans swimming and deer nibbling small leaves.
Serenity and divinity all around,
in brightness of her face now I could see  a paradise.

"I have to leave now", she said.
"Please don't leave!! Stay with me forever?” I requested.
"We will meet again", she promised while landing a kiss.
That sensation I felt, no words can describe.
With a heavy heart, we bid farewell to each other.
I saw her going towards the plains again,
disappearing slowly into the woods.
Her scent I still remember, enchanting and seductive.

Sky turned grey again, I felt hot and humid.
I turned back to see, everything delightful was already gone.
Horrified, I ran again to the plains to see if she was still there,
I tried very hard but failed to find.
"Where are you?” I looked towards the sky and cried.
Sweet melody I heard and her voice asking me to wake up.
My phone was ringing, I picked up the call.
Can't explain the feeling, when I heard the same sweet voice.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Shrinking Circle

I think everyone, at some age of his life, goes through a phase when s/he feels like removing unwanted people from his life, decreasing the radius of his friend ‘circle’; where s/he intends to keep only those people with whom s/he shares her/his thoughts and feelings. If you are feeling or have felt the same way, then, you may also find yourself in tune with the words to come. If not, I’d rather you still read on because, one day or the other, you may end up in the same spot.

It commenced almost a year ago, when I began finding some people too irritating, too intolerable. Well, I know that the feelings might have been mutual. Anyhow, slowly, each and every thing related to them, big or small, started annoying me, even their activities on Facebook that showed up on my newsfeed. Being left with no other choice, I ‘unfriended’ them (not that we ever were ‘actual friends’, anyway). Secretly, I have this desire to ‘unfriend’ even more people, but I refrain when I think about its long term effects (also, because they are not THAT irritating, YET). So, I simply turn off the “show in newsfeed” option in their profiles.

I began wondering why it was happening. Why, suddenly, the very people I had assumed to be ‘close’ to me had ended up being bothersome to me? Why, suddenly, did they seem insufferable?

After several hours of brainstorming, and, talking to some of my ‘real’ friends, I concluded that the people I found ‘annoying’ had one or more or all of these traits:

1. They are, bluntly put, deceptive. They say something else, and, do something else. Their words do not see eye to eye with their actions.

2. They are too ambitious. Now, don’t get me wrong. Being ambitious is fine. But, like they say, too much of everything... I observed that all that they do, they do for their own interests, even at the cost of others. For me, means never can justify the ends. And, in all honesty, neither their self-centered means nor their self-centered ends are justifiable. Such people are selfish, utterly self-obsessed and full of terrible conceit. They are far removed from basic human values.
3. Some of them just follow the crowd. They follow trends (Twitter trends included :P), blindly. They copy mannerisms, style, anything worth copying, to come across as ‘cool’, ‘cute’, ‘funny’, whatever you will. Nothing is permanent. Imitation, least of all.

4. Then there are people who do not want to be ‘mainstream’. They resort to innumerable antics to seek attention which they so dearly desire, but which hovers on the horizon, out of their grasp, always. Their pathetic attempts win them equally pathetic ‘friends’ (which is, actually, more of a failure). And, hence, ‘not being mainstream’ is ‘too mainstream’ nowadays.

5. They love their ego more than relationships.

6. They have way too many ‘faces’. I discover a new one every time I meet them and have a conversation with them. Their masquerade goes on year long, life long.

7. They present themselves as perfect icons having perfect behavioral skills, clear vision about life, high understanding levels, maturity, etc. Whatever characteristics they have, to whatever the degree (only this funny, only this slim/chubby, only this tall/short, only this outgoing/reserved), that, somehow, is the perfect blend. Anything more or less is a disaster.   

8. They always TELL me that they care for me and that they’d do anything for me. But, when such a situation does arise, they flee.

9. In my past I’ve had bad experiences with them. That bad impression suddenly made itself dominant, triggered by some new action that reeked of their actual selfish self.

10. Some are the ones who have betrayed me in the past, or, I have seen them betraying others often.

11. They are frequent liars. Big fat liars. They don’t even feel guilty when they get caught red-handed. Basically, lying is like a second-nature. Something that they keep doing, day in and day out. No big deal. For them.

12. They call me up and/or ask me how I am only when they want a favor. They do it more often than not, and, are insensitive enough to believe that their hollow “Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you didn’t mind” or “Thanks” will fool me. Basically, they take me for granted.

13. Every time we converse, they just complain about how things or people around are bad. They don’t seem to know that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others.

14. They try too hard to be a part of the inner circle of my friends, even when I clearly tell them that I don’t want them there.

15. They are over-inquisitive about my personal life. Also, they do not respect my privacy and make my personal life a topic of gossip (thanks for helping me empathize with the celebrities, though).

16. Their hypocrisy, sycophancy, their belief that they are infallible, their “holier than thou” attitude makes me revolt.

17. Some of them run too much after ‘limelight’. They don’t realize it’s transient. And, attention on Facebook/Twitter/etc. is the kind of ‘limelight’ they die or would kill for.

18. Some are dumb and they don’t accept it. I am not implying that I am very intelligent. Just that whatever you are, you must have the guts to face it. I am not against people who are dumb. I am no Einstein, either. I, at least, know it. They don’t. They pester me with a false sense of their ‘greatness’, a deep-rooted belief in their own ‘intelligence’. No thanks. I’d rather befriend a hamster.

19. They are intolerant. And, they have this ‘confidence’ that they know everything about everything. Hence, they don’t consider it important to listen to anyone else with a different viewpoint. Also, they talk only about things that interest them. Everything else is boring/useless.

20. Whatever falls outside the purview of the limited understanding of their little minds is full of mistakes, is wrong/bad/immoral/unnecessary/unimportant.

Then there are some people that I just don’t like. No rhyme or reason. I am well aware of the fact that this is not their fault. Nonetheless, everything related to them miffs me. It is similar to my aversion to Bhindi. Nothing is wrong with Bhindi, technically. I personally detest it, that’s all.
I know very well that disliking someone is not something positive. Somewhere deep down, the problem may well be within our own selves. But, at that point of time, I was so disturbed that I decided to take a break and put some distance between myself and them. Good for both the parties as it virtually hurt no one.

I have been trying to find a way to overcome this feeling: trying to look for good qualities in them, even if they are few in number, is one of the best solutions while not being judgemental is another. There are many web pages expatiating on the topic ‘How Not To Let People Annoy You’. However, I haven’t been able to arrive at a completely satisfying method, yet.

If I do happen to discover it, I would probably share that as well. Meanwhile, I’ve found it practical and wise to ‘unfriend’ some of them in my real life lest they create a grave negative impact in future. Like they say, prevention is better than cure.

Edited by: Henna Multani
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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

वादें और इरादे (राजनेता और आम आदमी के बीच की वार्तालाप)

राजनेता: देश को आगे बढ़ाएंगे, ग़रीबी और बीमारी हटाएंगे,
               खूब फलेगा देश में व्यापार, बस बना दो हमारी सरकार|
                देश हमारा अच्छा है, बस अक्ल से थोड़ा कच्चा है,
                हम करेंगे इस देश को तैयार, बस बना दो हमारी सरकार|

: देश तो आगे बढ़ रहा है, पर बर्बादी की राह पे,
              फैल रही है भ्रष्टाचार की बीमारी हमसे इस संसार में|
              खराब हो रहा हैं इस देश का नाम, क्या करेंगे बना कर सरकार|

: हम नयी रोज़गार योजना बनाएंगे,
               जो कहे हमे पिछड़ा, उसे हम अपनी मिसाइले दिखाएंगे|
               बिछा देंगे हम पानी बिजली का जाल,
               बस बन जाने दो हमारी सरकार|

: रोज़गार योजना बहुत बनाते हो,
             पर उसमे अपने रिश्तेदारो को ही दाखिला दिलाते हो|
             अंधेरे में जी रहा हैं देश के किसान,
             कब से प्यासा हैं देश का जवान,
             क्या करोगे बना के सरकार|

: देश में फैली शांति होगी,
                उन्नति की नयी क्रांति होगी,
                बढ़ा देंगे हम सुरक्षा का जाल,
                ऐसी होगी हमारी सरकार|

: शांति का पाठ तुम पढ़ाते,
              राम रहीम को तुम लड़वाते,
              देश की सुरक्षा का है बुरा हाल,
              क्या कर लेगी तुम्हारी सरकार|

राजनेता: हमारी सरकार अलग होगी, हम देश को आगे ले जाएंगे,
                सारे देशवासियों को सफलता की नयी राह दिखाएंगे,
                उँचाई की चोटी पर होगा ये देश महान,
                बस बन जाने दो हमारी सरकार|

: सब अलग हैं इसी बात का तो गम हैं,
              कोई ना समझे इस बात को की एकता में ही दम हैं,
              उँचाईया तो बहुत दूर हैं, देश का आम आदमी मजबूर हैं,
              बता दे मुझे देश के नेता, इसमे मेरा क्या कसूर हैं?

: कसूरवार कोई नही, ये पड़ोसी मुल्क की साजिश हैं,
               जलते हैं सब हमसे, ये वक़्त की फरमाइश हैं|

: महँगाई से देश जल रहा हैं,
             सफलता का सूरज, इसीलिए ढल रहा हैं,
             अरे यार तू छोड़ इन सबको, कर इन बातों का ध्यान,
             कौन रहा कितना पीछे इसपर क्यों हैं तेरा ध्यान,
             तेरी स्पर्धा खुद से हैं, तू स्थापित कर नयी प्रतिमान|
             अपने विगत प्रतिमानो के प्रति स्पर्धा जो मन में जागे,
              बढ़ उठते हैं नये कदम अपने ही कदमो के आगे|

राजनेता: विगत प्रतिमानो से ही चल रहा हैं ये देश,
                पुराने आदर्श ही हैं हमारे नरेश,
                देश की हालत के तुम भी ज़िम्मेदार हो,
               ये तुम्हारा भी देश हैं, फिर तुम क्यों ना तैयार हो|

: बाग के बाग को बीमार बना देती हैं,
              भूखे पेटो को राष्ट्रभक्ति सिखाने वालों,
              भूख इंसान को गद्दार बना देती हैं|
              आरोप प्रत्यारोप नही हैं हल,
               हाथ जो थाम ले हो जाएंगे सफल|
              चमन को सीचने में पत्तियाँ कुछ झढ़ गयी होंगी,
       यही इल्ज़ाम हम पर लग रहा हैं वतन की बेवफ़ाई का,
       चमन को रौंद डाला हैं जिन्होने अपने कदमो से,
       वो अब बात करते हैं वतन की रहनूमाई का|

कीमती वक़्त (दो EEE विभाग के छात्रो की वार्तालाप)

रमेश : मैं हूँ रमेश और ये हें सुरेश|

सुरेश: कहने को तो हम NIT Trichy  के छात्र हैं,
            मगर सब कहते हैं की हम इंजिनियर नही,
             सिर्फ़ हँसी के पात्र हैं|

रमेश: EEE विभाग में प्रवेश लिया था 4 वर्ष पहले हमने,
           देखे ही नही पूरे भी किए बहुत से सपने|

सुरेश: खैर छोडो ये विभाग की बातें,
           पहले सुनो हमारी हास्य भरी दास्तानें|

रमेश: प्रथम वर्ष में हमे आविन बड़ा भाया,
          मात्र १० रुपये में हमने मिल्कशेक बहुत मचकाया|

: प्रथम वर्ष से याद आयीं आई-लब की रातें,
            जहाँ बहुत घंटे बिताए थे,
            फ़ेसबुक से लेकर ट्विटर तक
            सब के अकाउंट वही तो बनाए थे|

: फ़ेसबुक का नाम ना लो जनाब,
          सुनकर हो जाता हैं मन बड़ा खराब|

: क्यो भाई, क्या हुआ?
          क्या तुम्हारा दिल भी वहाँ किसी पर फ़ना हुआ?

रमेश: कहानी कुछ ऐसी ही हैं भाई,
           सोचा था उस हरे सूट वाली को बनाएगे लुगाई,
           पर दाँव उल्टा पड़ा और हो गयी उसके मुस्टंडे भाई से पिटाई|

सुरेश: कहानी विस्तार से सूनाओ बालक,
          और अगली बार से पिटना नही,
          आज से खाना शुरू करो अंडे और पालक|

तुम क्या समझोगे, तुमने कौन सी दर्द भरी रातें बिताई हैं,
           तुम्हारे स्टेटस पर तो हमेशा छप्पर फाड़ कर comment और like आई है|

: चलो जाने दो फ़ेसबुक को तो भाई,
          ये बताओ हरे सूट वाली के बाद,
          कभी और कोई पसंद आई?

: पटाने की फ़ुर्सत नही मिली, पसंद तो बहुत आई,
           छोड़ेंगे नही उस नास-पीटे सी-आर को जिसने इतनी क्लास लगाई|

: कुछ भी कहो, उस सी-आर का नाम ना लो यार,
           दूसरे वर्ष में जिस पर दिल आया थावो करती थी उससे प्यार|

: हाँ भाई, क्न्याओ की कमी हैं यार,
           स्थिति ऐसी जैसे, एक अनार सौ बीमार|

: अरे तुम्हे क्या किसी ने लाइब्ररी का हाल सुनाया है,
           हमने भी वहाँ गुटरगु करते जोड़ो को बहुत सताया हैं|

: गुटरगु से याद आएकेम्पस के कुत्ते और गाय,
         कभी हम उन्हे और कभी वो हमे दौड़ाए|

: दौड़ाने से याद आया, हमारे जूनियर्स का प्यार,
          याद हैं तुम्हे जब चढ़ा था तुम्हे भी रेगिंग लेने का बुखार|

: अरे हाँ! जूनियर्स को बहुत चिकनी चमेली पे नचाया था,
           ९० से लेकर १८० तक सभी कोनो पे झुकाया था|

सुरेश: चिकनी चमेली से याद आया वो प्रोफेसर जो लड़कियों जैसे चलता था,
          जब वो अदायों से बातें करता था, उसके मुड़ते ही, पूरा क्लास उसपे हँसता था|

: नाम ना ले उस धूर्त्ती का, उसने बहुत वॉट लगाई है,
          जिस लेब मैं जहाँ 'S' ग्रेड मिलना था, वहाँ ससुरा 'E' ग्रेड आई है|

: E ग्रेड से याद आया, campus का दवाखाना,
      भाई पेट दर्द हो या हो आँख फड़फड़ाई,
      इतना जान लो, मिलेगी, एक ही सर दर्द की दवाई|

: चल मेरे भाई, पेट में चूहे कूद रहे,
          Mess पास ही हैं, क्यो ना वही चले|

Mess हम ना जायेंगे, सेहत की फ़िक्र हैं हमे,
           ना जाने राजमे की दाल में, कितनी ही बार झींगूर  पड़े मिले|

: चल छोड़ फिर हम FEST की स्टाल पर चलते हैं,
           दुगने पैसे देकर सस्ती चना चाट आते हैं|

: चलते हैं अब दर्शको की इज़ाज़त लेकर,
           शुभकामनाओ के साथ ये संदेश देकर,
           रुक जाना नही कही हार के,
           हर मुश्किल से लड़ना सीना तान के|