Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Let me tell you about the first day of my new school in year 1998.

like any other innocent child who has been to pushed to school, I entered into my new school AIR FORCE SCHOOL, and school welcomed me with a slap on my face in front of all the staff members.

The day started with lots of enthusiasm but it ended up with a slap from my GK teacher.

Actually that day was first day for me not for others I took late admission so lot of homework has been already put on the soft shoulders of helpless students of std. ii. So my homework was not completed so when she asked me for the notebook I replied in my usual innocent :-) smile “which notebook mäm"? And mäm replied give your diary to me n she also didn’t give me any chance to give reason.

And then she called me in staff room during recess.

HUFFFFF! I went there and I found many eyes covered with spectacles staring at me (these are my teachers who knew that I m new student and they were thinking why this boy came here on the first day itself?)

She started scolding me and then she stopped with a hard hit of his much harder palms on the soft tissues of lovely cheek (which many people hanker to have). Bcoz I was trying to give her some explanation regarding that. Well I started crying and teachers were shocked to see that scene. Then one of them told that GK teacher about me. Then real fun started, I got 3 dairy milks. 5 alpenlibe, 1 pastry and lots of love from my teachers (which still continues). So the lesson which I got from this incident is..............................................................................................................................................................

Any guess?

OK let me to tell u

always try to cry before your teachers to get lots of chocolates and compassion from your teachers.

And never try to give explanation to your teachers that why u have-not done your homework. Make some realistic excuses about which I will share later on.