Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Wimp

I asked him, “Who are you”?
He stared back at me.
He didn’t answer.
He never answers.
In fact, he never speaks, never.
He just stares. Sometimes, his stares chill my bones.
He looks so spiritless, so craven.
I always think, he is hiding some secret.
A big secret, a secret about something or someone.
But he is too cowardly to tell, or
may be, he is just waiting for the right time.
I always wonder, what relation do I have with him?
He appears to me as the most pathetic human in world.
He is silent, he is lazy & he is weak.
He is an embodiment of sadness.
I feel, he always thinks of failures. So many ifs.
I don’t think he is calm. He is just silent.
He looks like a volcano about to erupt.
A volcano which never erupted,
but has red hot lava simmering inside.

He makes me feel disturbed.
He looks like a manifestation of gloom.
But what makes him so dejected?
Somebody told me, he was happy once.
He was full of vitality, his spirit was charismatic.
But one day he decided to settle for less.
He accepted whatever came, he never questioned.
He never fought back. Fighting will hurt them,
he thought.
For fulfilling the expectations of others,
he sacrificed his dreams.
He supposed, keeping them happy
would make him happy too.
At least, that's what he was led to believe.
He was happy seeing their satisfied faces. But sad too.
Because it wasn't his dreams that he realized.
He tried to be heroic by trying to be happy.
 But, he was empty inside.

Soon, everybody forgot his sacrifices.
That’s sad but true, everybody cares just for themselves.
He cared for everybody else, but now he was forgotten.
He was no longer confident about what he had been taught.
He was confused, he was exhausted.
He asked everybody he met, what did he miss?
What went wrong?
He was supposed to be happy, but he wasn’t.
His questions remained unanswered.
The grief of sacrificing everything for nothing devoured him.
He cried, he regretted but the opportunities were lost.
His dreams were lost.
Nobody liked him when he was sad.
Nobody cared for him, not even for his glories.
The people for whom he had given up so much
distanced themselves from him.
One day, he stopped questioning, he has been silent since.
I still don’t like him.
I just thank God, he is not me.