Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fun things to do at home........

I was again getting bored at home but wait my mind told me to do something which I have never tried out before. Some stupid things and some ugly stuff (don’t misunderstand me). Well my brain started charging with thoughts how to make this stay at home fun filled and thus I came with following points about how to make your vacations awesome:

 > Get up early in the morning around 3:30 am. Now make tea for your siblings and wake them up. If   they resist call them lazy and pour a bucket of water on them.

>Paint the faces of your house mates in a weird way. Take pictures and enjoy.

>Cry out loud abusing one of your classmate.

> On a loud music, dance weirdly to irritate your neighbors. If they ask you to stop, make excuse that you are doing your daily yoga which includes loud sound reception to clean ears.

>If you have a pet, dress him and do a makeover. Cut their hairs in a different way. If you have a cat, try   cutting her whiskers.

>Play blues or opera loud. Tell you are sad about your last hairstyle and lost hairs.

> Dress up like a superhero! Put your underwear on your pants and take a towel and tie it around your neck like a cape. Now run around your house as if you are on a rescue mission, like you are going to rescue the ice-cream in the fridge or something. You can also leave your hair open, put a table fan near the edge of your bed, lie on the bed and pretend you are flying.

>Stare at your mom, keep staring. When she gets irritated, laugh out loud. Try with different people.

>Open social networking sites, for example facebook. It is the time to spam walls and inbox of your friends.

>Text random/unknown numbers, saying you miss him/her very much. Reply them in serious way.

>Collect some money buy/cook a wonderful meal for your siblings and parents. You may give them some gifts as well.

>Try reading newspaper upside down. Tell your parents this is a new way of memory enhancement.

>Take a 15cms scale now start measuring length and breadth of your house.

>Yell out loud to God. Groan, act confused when people ask if you are OK.

>Switch ON discovery channel. Mute the channel, now laugh. This will irritate your siblings and then you start fight for remote.

>Dial customer care numbers from the back of cereal box or other products. Ask them random questions.

> Get an astrology book and read out loud horoscopes for each family members zodiac sign. Now keep calling them at random hours, asking them to be careful.

>Pretend you are sick, ask for some junk food. Next day show them how eating a burger makes you healthy.

>Ask oldies about their experience with the life. Believe me they have great stories to share.

>Try eating without hands.

>Go to a random restaurant. Order some costly dishes, eat a little. Now pretend like you have been poisoned.

>Don’t have a pet? No problem. Take a cardboard box, draw eyes, ears, etc. and decorate it. Now tie a string to it and roam in a nearby park. Make people think that higher education is making you crazy.

>Go out in a park and greet strangers. If they ask your identity, make sad face and leave. Make them crazy for rest of the day.

>Well this one is bit risky. Ask your parents embarrassing questions.

> Don’t speak to anyone whole day. When asked, make faces like you are mad at him/her.

My mind is blabbering out more but its already 25 points up here, and I don’t want to make you feel bored.

Being at home is the most wonderful time when semester ends, lots of love and care from parents and my sister. Well enjoy your stay at home and happy vacations.

Please share your fun ideas to make home stay more wonderful.